Thursday, January 5, 2012

Let's streamline reality shows!

Everyone agrees there are too many reality shows, right? Of course we do. So I have come up with the perfect solution. Just as government must streamline and consolidate, so must reality shows. Here are my brilliant, cost saving ideas.
Jersey Shore and Hoarders: Buried Alive-Let those Jersey brats be forced to move in with a super hoarder. For those of you who don't watch the hoarding shows, Hoarders: Buried Alive are the ULTIMATE hoarders, while just plain Hoarders showcases the "run-of-the mill" hoarders. Put all those kids in a hoarder's house and let them clean up instead of going out all night drinking. Imagine Snooki's reaction when a hoarder says, "I want to keep that half empty can of Cheez Whiz because I really think I will be using it someday." It will totally eliminate the therapist from the show, which is just as well because I think they slow things down worrying about the hoarder's feelings and all.
Celebrity Wife Swap and Ice Road Truckers-Truckers who draw the short straw will be forced to spend 12 hours in their cab driving up an icy mountain road next to Gary Busey and Flava Flav. It doesn't involve the wives, but that's the beauty of it. They are off the hook. There will undoubtedly be a horrible accident, which only makes for great reality TV with half the budget.
The Voice and Cake Boss-Contestants have to sing, then eat a baked good. Could be a cupcake. Could be a wedding cake with that awful fondant icing. Judges will have to figure that out...blindfolded!

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