Sunday, August 5, 2012

Opinion Lady goes to the movies to improve her mind, OR, documentaries can be sexy

I recently ordered two documentaries to view on my exciting Saturday nights. Sure, I like films that are entertaining, but when I saw the movie trailer for these two films I thought “I must have been busy doing other really important things back when these films were first released (like watching Step Brothers for the 20th time) but I need to make time now to get up to speed.” Inside Job, a 2010 Academy Award winning documentary was written and directed by Charles Ferguson. This film knocked my socks off. If you are a taxpayer and citizen of the world, then it is your duty to watch this documentary. I am a financial idiot and even I could comprehend about 95% of what they were talking about. It helped that Matt Damon was narrating because I think I could even understand Quantum Physics with Matt explaining it to me. The film also uses lots of cool graphics to help a “normal person” understand just what went down in the financial world. I was depressed after watching it because you feel like a little pawn in a game played by the most soulless, greedy, inhuman bastards that ever walked the Earth. The worse part? Most of them are all still in business and are still carrying out business as usual, totally void of ethics or consequences, with no regard for fellow human beings or the state of the world. Just how much money is enough for these people???? They could not spend this kind of money in 10 lifetimes. Who will have the political will to stand up these financial rapists? I have to admit that I saw Eliot Spitzer in a new light after the film. He was onto them. Check out the film: Who Killed the Electric Car? A 2006 documentary directed by Chris Paine is also another eye-opening film worth watching. If you ever doubted (even a little bit) that car and oil companies are in cahoots then this film will wrap it all up with a nice little bow-THEY ARE. The American consumer look like a sheep going to slaughter as elected officials with no political will or ethics lead us off a cliff. Again, the lack of any vision for the Earth’s future, or for fellow human beings, is depressing and there is planet of blame to go around. America has to wake up and DEMAND that our elected officials force this issue. They have the technology for clean cars. We need to elect people who will make this happen. Opinion Lady now considers herself a more educated voter, taxpayer and citizen of the world! Watch these films!

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