Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sheryl Sandberg, I am listening...

Something has been bothering Opinion Lady lately about all the media backlash against Sheryl Sandberg’s new book, “Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead.” Sandberg is the COO of Facebook. That’s right. She’s second in command only to Mark. She is in a word “brilliant” and seems like a grounded person. I saw her interviewed last Sunday on “60 Minutes” by reporter Norah O'Donnell. I thought the reporter seemed to have a pre-set agenda and had her mind made up BEFORE the interview of what kind of story she wanted to write. Norah wanted a story that said, “A woman this smart, this rich and this powerful has no business leading a movement or telling other women how to succeed in business.” Her last question was: Norah O'Donnell: You know, Sheryl, people are going to say, "Oh she's got a charmed life, she went to Harvard. She's a billionaire." Sheryl Sandberg: Yep. Norah O'Donnell: "And she's telling me what I should do?" Do they have a point? WHAT? Was I hearing this question correctly? No, Norah, why don’t we ask a clerk at 7-11 those questions. This attitude is totally sexist! Donald Trump wrote books on how to succeed and how to lead. No one told him, “What do you know about it and why would people take advice from you? You’re a billionaire.” What about David Geffen, Warren Buffet and Richard Branson? Why didn’t anyone write op-ed pieces expressing skepticism that these successful men knew what they were talking about? Just because a woman has a nanny to take care of her children, she is demonized. I don’t like that. NO working mom gets by with the help of others. Whether that is a nanny, after school care, a grandma or the baby sitter down the street, we all need help. Of course we all can’t afford a nanny, but life neither is fair nor is everything even-Steven! Opinion Lady just thinks this is a double standard. Opinion Lady says, “You go Sheryl and give me all the advice about how to succeed and lead. I’ll listen.” Even though it might be too late for Opinion Lady to make her mark in the world, in a way as BIG as Sheryl has, Opinion Lady is still a cheerleader for ALL WOMEN. Go, go, go! For the full “60 Minutes” interview: ##