Sunday, March 25, 2012

People getting trashed shouldn't leave trash!

This trashy scene really ticked Opinion Lady off this morning. I was walking down by West Meadow Beach and found it strewn with beer cans, empty bottles of alcohol and a homemade bong. The fire had long burned itself out, but it was dangerously close to the old decrepit shed. I know kids are going to do this kind of thing, but what got me is that they are so self-centered and piggish about it. What happened to the environmentally sensitive generation? They are full of crap, that’s what. Couldn’t anyone have brought a garbage bag with them? I’d like to dump all this garbage in their driveway. And if you are going to leave a scene filthy with litter, don’t write your name all over the place. I found someone’s name on a box of leftover Girl Scout cookies, so I am on the case. It reminded me of that line in “Alice’s Restaurant” when Officer Opie finds an envelope at the bottom of a garage heap with Arlo Gutherie’s name on it. Arlo says, “I can’t deny it. I put that envelope on the bottom of that garbage heap.”
On a positive note, because Opinion Lady is really laden with sunshine, someone is a wonderful artist and left some lovely murals on the walls of the shed.